
i went lookin' for the d.j.'s daughter

I find it slightly nauseating that we've come upon August (but this softens the blow).

Nick Thorburn
& Jim Guthrie are Human Highway & their debut album is Moody Motorcycle. That sentence itself gives you a little thrill, doesn't it?

Thorburn describes the duo as possessing an Everly Brothers/Simon & Garfunkel "
lullaby-type stuff" sound. As one who advocates free love to all musical genres, I have always maintained a tremendous soft spot for folk harmonies. It sounds like a marriage between early jazz & later rock rooted from when "a moment of hurt combines with a moment of boredom."

I have fierce anticipation for an album which (even now) feels like a triumph of tenderness, lost & found.

The Beach - Human Highway
The Sound - Human Highway

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