After playing Lykke Li's "I'm Good. I'm Gone" in the car the other day, my father asked my brother whether he liked the song, whereby he sheepishly replied "Yeah, kind of." (the questioner heartily agreed).
My brother is eight. I don't know whether to be horrified, or to just seriously reconsider the whole I-don't-drive deal.
Admittedly, on first listen Li's addictive feathery pop vocals could appeal to even the most unrefined ears (refer to my stylishly-Celine-Dion-listening/pulled-up-white-tube-socks-&-sandals-wearing father).
On second listen, not much has changed. Is there really anything more to her than a perfect combination of catchy choruses, electro base beats, & an endearing pair of Swedish eyes that have been making their appearance on nearly every credible indie-music blog? & when it comes down to it, does there really need to be?
Hailing from the country that has produced some of the best indie* acts of the 21st century (including Peter Bjorn & John, Jens Lekman, Radio Dept, The Knife, Hello Saferide, Robyn, José González, & the ever-so-revered Hell on Wheels) Lykke Li fits charmingly in the genre of, how should I put it, sweet melodies from a cold climate. She's unafraid that her lyrics aren't esoteric enough (as far as cryptic goes - the majority of her home-based fans can't even understand them) & the pure unadulterated joy that filters through her heavily synthesized sound is worried only about singing a good song. I know, it's ridiculous, but what can I say - shit is wild.
Youth Novels, Li's first full album (also check her previous E.P. "Little Bit") was released this past May 6 and has received radiant reviews (from Pitchfork, Stereogum, & my entire immediate family). The production team included Björn Yttling from Peter, Bjorn & John and Lasse Mårtén**.
Lykee Li - I'm Good. I'm Gone (Black Kids Remix)
Lykee Li - Little Bit
Kleerup - Until We Bleed (w. Lykee Li)
*“The Swedish definition of indie has much more in common with the original term: that it is independent music...What would be labeled electronica or some other genre in the UK or the States is defined as indie in Sweden, whereas the music that is actually guitar-based – the post-Oasis pop songs – is considered to be pretty much mainstream.” - Andres Lokko (Swedish music journalist)
**Lasse Mårtén has worked with Celine Dion - my father will be happy to hear.
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