Packing away the warble developed from when he was thirteen, he drove down to Mexico. Passing the dreaming barefoot girls in long necklaces, he was not ashamed to look back.
With the precarious eyes of a poet, Conor Oberst has once again ventured into (semi-new) terrain: Merge Records & a solo album. Backed by the Mystic Valley Band, which consists a few holdovers from Bright Eyes (drummer Jason Boesel, & arranger/multi-instrumentalist Nate Walcott), Oberst self-titled album releases August 5.
No Mike Mogis, no Saddle Creek Records, no Team Love. I've listened to some of this so-called solo work (I was under the impression that Bright Eyes's limelight spilled mostly on Oberst anyway) & I miss the wavering, gnawing sounds of "I'm Awake, It's Morning."
But I'll wait until I hear the full album; maybe I just need to keep my ears closer to the ground.
Conor Oberst & The Mystic Valley Band - Danny Callahan
Conor Oberst & The Mystic Valley Band - Souled Out!!!
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